Daily Report Final Practice ( English)

Day 3
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
I wish you a healthy and wealthy as alwasy, hehe aamiin.

     Welcome back on my blog Baca Apa Saja. This time I will share to you a story to continue my previous story, after burger bun and patties done. Today I prepared for the condiments for the Fish Burger Bun. After that I helped my friend to finish his product, it was Jalangkote.

     Here I'm going to explain a little about what Jalangkote is? So guys Jalangkote is Makassar culinary snack, that its shaped similar to a pastel, the difference between them is that a pastel has a thicker skin than Jalangkote, and when pastel is eaten together with cayenne pepper, while Jalangkote is eaten with liquid chili sauce with a mixture of vinegar and chili. Jalangkote has the contents of diced carrots and potatoes, bean sprouts, and laksa which are then sauteed with garlic, pepper, onion and other spices.

Here are photos relate to my activities :

Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
