Daily Report Final Practice ( English)

Day 1
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
How are you good readers? hopefully we will always be in the protection of Allah SWT.

     Meet me again on my blog Baca Apa Saja, this time I will share to you guys my daily report in the final week. Final today was different to the previous finals we have ever done, this time we were told to make such an event of food festival, which is we will exhibit traditional foods from many regions in Sulawesi dan some of modern foods that use local commodities as its substitute of the ingredients.

     In the event of that food festival I handled Fish Patty Burger. Here I use local commodities for the patty, and today I made burger bun. Just like usual I prepared all the ingredients, the utensils, and the equipments I need to make burger bun before I start to make them or I did mice un place first.

Here are photos relate to my final activities on the first day :

Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
