Daily Report ( English Version)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Welcome back on my blog Baca Apa Saja. I will share to you about my practice activity in this week.

I will share to you guys about what Croissant bread is, croissant bread is a bread origin from France and its shape resembling to crescent moon. In France itself, croissants are generally sold without fillings and eaten without additional butter. But outside the country of origin there are also croissants containing chocolate, meat, and so on. For the method that we use in making this Croissant there are two methods that we adapted from the book Antonio Bachour and other methods from which we read and watch in the media.

For the method that used Antonio Bachour dough of the Croissant should be allowed overnight before in bake, while for the other method the dough only needs to be in the proofing according to its step without dough should be allowed overnight.

Here are the photos related to the practice:

Hehe for our practice this week, if the product we make fails then it will be given punishment, and the pusnishment is run around the field. Well that's all what I can share today.

Thank you for reading and keep reading guys ;)
