Daily Reportt ( English Version)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh good readers.
Welcome back on my blog Baca Apa Saja. Here I will share to you guys about my activity in this week, and it's still about how to make croissants or crescent bread.

After the first day of trial in making croissant failed, so on the second day. Croissant is a bread that is not easy to be made if you do not understand correctly about the technique of manufacture. For the technique itself, the technique of making Croissant bread is the same as the technique of making puff pastry, for its folding and dough resting, the difference between them is croissant dough using yeast while the dough of puff pastry does not.

Here's a photo-related practice:

Thank you for reading and keep on reading;)
