Daily Report ( English Version)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh good readers.
Hopefully we will always be in the protection of Allah Swt, so glad to posting again. By the way welcome back on my blog Baca Apa Saja.

After finishing my ojt during this six months finally I come back to feel this atmosphere of this Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar's kitchen after this long time. This is my first practice week in this semester. The first thing I have missed the most about this place is of course spending time with my friends and the second is I could be free from the high pressure of Gardin Restaurant heheh

In the kitchen we divided into two groups, each group made product to sell in different day. Me and my friends handled America Latin menu, which is each item in the menu become fast food item. Fast food is food which is prepared and served quickly, such as fried chicken, pizza, hamburger and etch. Fast food only takes 5-10 minutes cooking time after ordered.

There so many people out there still confuse to differentiate between fast food and junk food, by the way guys for you information fast food could be junk food if meal that we serve less of nutrient and in excessive portions.

Here are photos relate to my practice :

Thank you for reading and keep on reading ;)
See ya!
