Daily Report (English)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,  halo good readers. Welcome back to my blog BelajrKuliner. I will share to you my story about my activity on Thursday 22nd November 2018. Today was my last day practice in the kitchen. 

I still in pastry and bakery section, and I still handled Creme Brule. I just made Creme Brule this morning because to avoid Creme Brule with liquid more.

To make Creme Brule we just need short time. After that I helped my other friends. Today didn't run well, there were mistakes we made that caused anger from Mr Jaya. After the restaurant closed we directly instructed to do oneline. Everything was fine until my friend Aswandi made trouble with our supervisor.

Here are photos of practice today:

Not long after that Mr Jaya warned us to keep respect and always listen to our supervisor. After that Mr Jaya told us to out from kitchen and he also told us to not come again in the kitchen. We immediately took out tools and went out from kitchen. At the outside of kitchen we discussed about what should we do towards this problem.

That's all for today.
Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
