Daily Report (English)

Halo good readers assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,  welcome back to my blog BelajrKuliner. I will share to you about my activity on Monday 19th November 2018. Like usual we entered the kitchen at 8 am,  then supervisors gave us direction to prepare ingredients for menu tomorrow. Today we got menu alacarte 2, and I got pastry and bakery section.

Menu in alacarte 2 for pastry and bakery are Creme Brule, Red Velvet Roll and Katiri Mandi,  and I handled Creme Brule together with my,  Miftah. Today we just did the preparation, in making Creme Brule we prepared eggs and sugar as its main ingredients,  then fresh milk and pastry cream,  and a bit of vanili to remove the fragrant of the egg. First of all mix eggs and sugar, stir untuk mix evenly, then add fresh milk and pastry cream, and the last add vanili.

After that, heat the batter until its sugar unite, after that pour to mould and bake. In baking Creme Brule we use Au Bain Marie method. After that cooling down and put Creme Brule in chiller and serve in cold.

Here photos of my practice:

That's all for today.
Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
