Daily report (English)

Halo guys
Meet me again on my blog BelajrKuliner. Today was my last day practice in this week. We came as usual  and immediately did oneline at 8 o'clock in the morning. Today my group still handled main course, and I still in sautee section, together with my friend, Darma. Today we incharged by four seniors, two seniors from A class and the others from B class. Just like yesterday, Mr Ichal gave us some direction before start practice.

     Restaurant opened at 12 o'clock at noon, and Bos Genk slightly annoyed by restauran people, because they didn't open restauran on time, so finally Mr Ichal instructed us to make food without any order. We became busy that time. Not only busy in sautee section, I also helped my friend Gabriel to handle His Lamb Shank Steak. Our senior Al helped us so much, from explain methods of making this meal until how to handle Lamb Shank Steak. Yesterday senior Agung chose baked those Lamb Shank meat before grilled them, while this time senior Al chose to reduce the meat until tender with its sauce before grilled them.

    Here are photos of my practice today :

     After restaurant closed, we cleaned our own work area. Today Mr Ichal gave food for anak bangsa. So when practice done, some of my senior and my friends moved to make the meal. So, after general cleaning done, we took a break for eat and back to do oneline in front of the kitchen before went home. Our practice today satisfied bos genk.

That's my story for today.
Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
