Daily report (English)

Daily report on 22nd October 2018
Halo readers, welcome back to my blog BelajrKuliner. I will share to you my story about my activity on Monday 22nd October 2018. On that day I came to campus like usual, and coincide I  Incharged junior class A semester 1 together with my friends Ardianto Gosti and Aulia Inzani. Everything was running well, juniors semester 1 did oneline before entered the kitchen, and both their tools and grooming were checked one by one.

     For a while, everything was okay until Mr Jaya told all of us from semester 3 that the names that had listed last Friday must get out of the kitchen and they will not be able to do practice until get permit from Boss Genk. And guess what? My name was listed ! So I had to get out of the kitchen. My activity that morning until 9 a.m, and I have no photos to post in this writing because I had no time to capture any moment.

That's my story on Monday 22nd October 2018.
Thanks for reading and keep reading.
