Daily report (English)

Daily report on 24th October 2018
     This time I share my story to my reader friends about my activity in the kitchen on Wednesday 24th October 2018. When yesterday we did practice in menu Ala'carte 2, today we still practiced this menu. I handled potato gnocchi with tomato sauce. We checked all the preparation first the time we arrived in the kitchen build. Today we arrived at 6.30 a.m because Boss Genk told us so.

     After senior gave us direction about what to do, we directly moved to continue our preparation. Immediately took out the ingredients to make dough for potato gnocchi, firstly I mashed that boiled potatoes, then added fresh milk and the last flour and seasoning with salt and pepper. Then I moulded the dough with a fork.

     About 9 a.m, we did oneline and explained the terminology of the dish we had handled. I explained what potato gnocchi is, which is potato gnocchi is a pasta made from potato came from Italia land. And gnocchi itself has mean a shell, so that's why the look of that past similar to a shell, potato gnocchi usually served with bolognese or tomato sauce.

Here photos of my practice today :

Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
