Daily report (English)

Daily report on 23rd October 2018
Halo readers, today I will continue my story about my activity in the kitchen of culinary art of Makassar. Yesterday the moment I left the kitchen and I went home, I immediately confirmed this case to Mr Ichal about this misunderstood thing, that before I left the kitchen build last Friday I already got his permission. Then after that confimation, finally I got Boss Genk's permit to entered the kitchen again.

     Actually for this time I did practice in pastry section, but the time I entered the kitchen my friend Mifta asked me a help to handle prawn of meuniere because she was confused enough about that, but before I helped her, I went to pastry to questioned darma about where I suppose to work because Mifta also asked my help, but darma answered "where you feel comfort". So I made up my mind to help Mifta, so I explained about steps to make prawn of meuniere according to recipe. After that, suddenly we were instructed by Mr Ichal to do oneline, and we immediately did oneline in main kitchen.

     Mr ichal came and explained a bit and then told us that Chef Dino will be our lecture today for Ala'carte menu today. I like how Chef Dino teach us, the methods he use so easy to learn, so efficient and effective. All that I can say is he is a good teacher. After the explanation done, Mifta then told me to help dini handle potato gnocchi, but I refused it because that was not my intention move to main course, I just wanted to help Mifta. Until I know that dini just alone with nobody help her, because Yuda ignored to help her, and prefer to help Mifta handle prawn of meuniere. 

     Finally I made my decision, so I asked dini about the preparation of making potato gnocchi, after all ingredients was ready, Chef Dino came and taught us how to make it. Firstly, boil potatoes until tender, then mash, add fresh milk into that mashed potatoes then add flour, and last is seasoning with salt and pepper. After the dough is ready to mould, then use a fork to mould the dough like a shell. I questioned Chef Dino why we mould the dough like a Shell, and he answered because that is the point of this dish, gnocchi which is mean a Shell in Italian language, I immediately understood what I've done.

Here are photos of my practice day :

People serve potato gnocchi with tomato sauce or Bolognaise. First of all, blanch potato gnocchi, then sauté with tomato sauce. And sprinkle with parmesan over the dish to serve. 

That's my story for today.
Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
