Daily Report (English)

Halo guys
Welcome back to my blog BelajrKuliner. This is my second day of practice in the kitchen, on Tuesday 9th October 2018. Like usual practice started at 8 a.m, we did oneline while Mr Ichal came to explain about menu today. After he gave direction to us, we immediately moved to take our preparation.

     Today I handled sauté section in main kitchen together with my friend Darma. Menu for today there were Puree of Pumpkin soup, Sushi Plate, Mouls Marinier and Lamb Shank Steak. Because of stock for ingredients to make Japanese soup empty, and there were mistakes for Pan Seared Salmon when we Sous Vide them, so today for Japanese soup and salmon didn't out to serve in the restaurant. In making Puree of Pumpkin soup, first blanch Pumpkin until tender then blend. We use chicken stock to make this soup. 

    For mussels, we steam first as long as 10 minutes. Firstly we saute mussels with onion and seasoning with salt and pepper, and for condimen there are Gratin Douphinoise and Creamed Spinach. Whereas condiment for Lamb Shank Steak there are Calcannon and Sauté Jardinier Vegetable. Our practice today didn't satisfy Boss Genk. So he punished us to come early tomorrow at 6 a.m  

Here photos of my practice today :

That's all my story I can share.
Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
