Daily Report (Mid) ( English )

     Hay guys welcome back to my blog, it is BelajrKuliner. This time I will share my story about my mid pratice in kitchen today, on Tuesday 25th September 2018.  Today we entered kitchen at 8 o'clock in morning, which was my group has 10 people and today we helped by 4th group. For mid practice today my group got Indonesian Buffet menu, and I got soup, there were soto Banjar and soto Padang.

    We already prepared all ingredients for making soup yesterday, so today we just cook them. Firstly we heated stock, there were white stock and brown stock. For soto Banjar we use white stock, and brown stock for make soto Padang. After that we added basic paste for each boiled stock then simmer them. For soto Padang we put dice cut meat into its stock. And for soto Banjar we added egg yolk and milk into its stock.

     Here are photos of practice today :

     Condiment for each soup, there potato patties, for soto Banjar we're not only use potato patties but also glass noddle. After that, we plating soup and served to restaurant. After done, then group 4th came in to prepare for menu tomorrow. Practice today finished about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and we immediately did general cleaning like usual.

That's enough for today.
Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
