Daily Report (English)

Halo guys...
     I will tell you about what happened today in the kitchen. On Monday, 7th August 2018.

     This morning I arrived at 8 a.m, and today Me and my friends officially in semester 3. The atmosphere in the kitchen was very crowded, because the new generation students were also starting to practice today. Precisely at 9 a.m, my friends and I entered the kitchen. In this 3rd semester we will taught directly by Mr. Ical himself.

     Today students of semester 3 were cooked Menu of Oriental Buffet.
What is Buffet ? So guys, Buffet is also known as Self-Service, which is a guest will take the meal by himself/herself in the counter or Buffet is also known as Prasmanan.

     For Oriental Buffet Menu today, I cooked Tori No Teriyaki or Chicken Breast Teriyaki. In this cuisine we only use Chicken Breast marinated with Teriyaki sauce, then grill.

     The percentage for Chicken Breast Teriyaki that my friend and I cooked today was less satisfying. It's because marinate for the chicken breast has not penetrated perfectly, and the Chicken Breast was still rather thick when on the grill, and that's what causes of the ripeness of the Chicken Breast to be uneven when on the grill, so when the meat was sliced, the color for the middle part of the Chicken Breast was white.

Here are photos of my practice today :

That's all for my story today, see you again in my next writing.
Thanks for reading, and keep reading ;)
