Daily Report (English)

     Hay, meet me again on my blog Belajrkuliner. Today was the third day of my practiced week, on wednesday 16th May 2018. Here I would tell you about my activities in the kitchen today. Today we entered the kitchen at 8 a.m. just like usual. Kept bag in locker and did oneline in the cold kitchen. Right before doing practiced today, we prayed first, where it was led by our chairman that day. After that we reviewed about the material that we have learnt during our practice in kitchen.

     Menu for open resto today was Chinese cuisine, it was menu rotation 2.1. Today me and my group mates cooked soup menu it was Traditional Egg Drop Soup. Where the soup contains with eggs, grean peas, corn, chicken and stock. Firstly cracked the eggs into the small bowl, then pour beaten eggs into the stock gradually while stirring, after that banch that chicken breast then suir. Add grean peas, corn and the chicken into the soup then seasoning with salt and pepper.

     Resto open at 2 p.m. and closed at 3 p.m. Today food handled by my friends who got table manner for resto, and the rest include me instructed to go out of the kichen, we ate buffe outside of the kitchen.. After that we did oneline again for division of general cleaning section. Just like yesterday, today I got part to clean butcher. General cleaning done at 5 p.m., after that we took a rest a while then did oneline again for went home, and of course after the lecture gave an advice to us.

That's all for today. Thanks for reading and keep reading ;)
