Daily Report (English)

Hay meet me again. This time I will write about my mid practice, actually this should be published a day ago. My mid practice schedule was on 20 March 2018. I came to campus like usual. Me and my friends entered the kitchen after the lecture gave an instruction. That day we practiced Table D'hote Menu, it was menu rotation 1.2, where we did preparation of the ingredients right the day before mid.

I got mid task to cook Main Course, especially Carbohydrat and it was Potato Au Gratin. In case of making Patato Au Gratin, we used Salamander, because Gratin itself has a meaning of cooking with use heat from above. Before make product, firstly we explained about the meal to the crafts, which was crafts mean people who will help us to make our product.

First  boil those Potatoes (after Scrub) until tender, then cooling down. After cool enough to handle, then slice use egg slicer to make a nice slice of potatos. Put potato slices on the site pan (after spread butter on the site pan) and poured with Bechamel sauce and garnish with craft cheese. After that cook the potatoes in Salamander to get nice brown looks
